Topic: Online

Cultivating Relationship with the Earth

What can the wisdom of the forests teach us about making healthier communities and deeper relationships in our own little corner of the world? David Morgen, Service Leaderwith Rev. Jan Taddeo Join us via Zoom: The order of service can be found here

Falling into Grace

A service for cultivating a relationship with unconditional love and compassionate presence. Daniel Bailey, Service LeaderElna Brynestad, Worship Associate Join us via Zoom: The Order of Service can be found here

Moving at the Speed of Trust

Cultivating connections, friendships, and relationships is an art form that requires many skills, including patience and deep listening. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Bob Patrick, Worship Associate Join us via Zoom: The order of service can be found here

Where the Sidewalk Ends

That place we find after one thing ends and before another thing begins – where life is not yet the next reality but where we pause and consider what is yet to be… possible. Join us via Zoom: Lydia Patrick, Service Leader Elna Brynestad, Worship Associate This week’s order of service can be found … Continue reading Where the Sidewalk Ends

Enrolling in Possibility

Hobbit Day is on 9/22. Using this, and the Equinox,  as our lenses, we’ll explore the art of enrollment to bring people into our grand adventures or to bring balance into our lives. The order of service can be found here Join us via Zoom: Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader JoAnn Weiss, Worship Associate

Possibility and Probability

People are heard to say, “Anything is possible if we set our mind to it.” Is that really enough? How can our possibilities become probabilities? Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Here is the link to the Order of Service Join us via Zoom:

Embracing Possibilities Through Forgiveness

What is available to us when we let go of the hurts of the past and explore new possibilities for ourselves and our lives? The Jewish tradition offers insights into how we can practice forgiveness. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader The Order of Service is linked here Join us via Zoom:

The Thunder, Perfect Mind

All peoples everywhere and everywhen exist with uncertainty, contradiction, paradox, and ambiguity. How can we meet our internal conflicts with grace so that the external bombardment cannot sway us from our path? Sherree Bailey, Service LeaderElna Brynstad, Worship Associate Find the Order of Service here. Join us via Zoom:

If Only…

Consider the road not taken, the choices made, good luck, bad luck. How do we reconcile the paradox of our topsy-turvy, wild ride of life? Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service LeaderLydia Patrick, Worship Associate Join us via Zoom:

Welcome Home

We return to our cherished Sanctuary for the first time since March 8, 2020. Bring to the altar of our beloved community your joys and sorrows, triumphs and challenges, and all that you are holding from this time away. This service will be presented on two platforms – you may join us in person (via … Continue reading Welcome Home