Topic: Online

Play Time!

One of the delightful aspects of play is that it can take us out of “normal” time and renew our well of joy. So, let’s explore the ways we can create this kind of play! 

Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader

The order of service can … read more.

Playing with God

Poets offer us many perspectives on our relationship with various concepts of God. Join Rev. Jan and Bob as they offer us ways to play with God through writings from Hafiz, Harkin and others. 

Rev. Jan Taddeo and Bob Patrick, Service Leaders

Join us via Zoom: … read more.

The Power of Play

Sometimes people can brush off “play” as a waste of time or a frivolous activity. We’ll explore the ways in which play and playfulness are essential ingredients for nurturing curiosity, courage, and compassion.

Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader

Join us via Zoom: … read more.

One Sentence

This service will draw from the work of Daniel Pink to write one sentence we can live into.
She made people laugh. They listened well. He relieved the suffering of others.
What’s your one sentence? 

This service will hold the container for … read more.

Weaving the Stories of Our Lives

One of my favorite songs is Tapestry by Carole King. I’ve often imagined our spiritual lives as a tapestry woven from the stories of our search for truth and meaning. What are the warp and weft threads of your spiritual tapestry?

New Member Signing … read more.

UUMFE Presents: Pathways to Healing & Regeneration

This Sunday, UUCG is honored to stream this robust and beautiful virtual worship service, produced by UU Ministry for the Earth.

Pathways to Healing & Regeneration
When you imagine pathways to personal, social and ecological healing and regeneration, what do you see? Who is with … read more.