Topic: Online

The Thunder, Perfect Mind

All peoples everywhere and everywhen exist with uncertainty, contradiction, paradox, and ambiguity. How can we meet our internal conflicts with grace so that the external bombardment cannot sway us from our path?

Sherree Bailey, Service Leader
Elna Brynstad, Worship Associate

Find the Order of Service here.

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If Only…

Consider the road not taken, the choices made, good luck, bad luck. How do we reconcile the paradox of our topsy-turvy, wild ride of life?

Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader
Lydia Patrick, Worship Associate

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Welcome Home

We return to our cherished Sanctuary for the first time since March 8, 2020. Bring to the altar of our beloved community your joys and sorrows, triumphs and challenges, and all that you are holding from this time away.

This service will be presented … read more.

Waiting for Everything to Be Okay

Perhaps like me, some part of you has been holding your breath for a year waiting for “normal” to return. Rather than trying to return to the past, we have an opportunity to create a new today and a better tomorrow. As we prepare to … read more.

How We Do God

All of our sources provide us with invitations to imagine how to be in the world. Today we explore how the Earth spirituality traditions do that.

Bob Patrick, Service Leader

The Order of Service can be found here

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Sources of Our Faith

In Kathleen Rolenz’ collection of inspirational readings called Sources of Our Faith, she offers UUs a resource for waltzing with the Holy, gamboling with the rational mind, and moving to the rhythms of  mystery and wonder. Let it be a dance we do.

Rev. … read more.

Dream Catchers and Singing Bowls

Unitarian Universalists draw from many wisdom sources for inspiration, and we strive to do this respectfully. The lines of cultural appropriation can seem fuzzy and complicated, but there are ways to find clarity and simplicity in choosing our spiritual practices and planning our celebrations and … read more.

UUA General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship

This Sunday we will stream the worship service prepared by the UUA for our annual General Assembly.

Recognizing the importance of shared ministry and the many innovative approaches to worship created by congregations during the pandemic, UUA President, Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick Gray, selected … read more.