Topic: Online

A Troubled Past

The path we walk in the present was laid down by people with a vision for their future. Sometimes, these revered visionaries held beliefs or performed actions that, today, seem fundamentally, deeply wrong. As Unitarian Universalists, how can we reconcile the profoundly flawed individuals with … read more.

Cultivating Connections in Community

When I ask newcomers what motivated them to seek a new faith community, most of the time the answer is about making connections with people. This service explores how we find meaningful connections in congregational life.

Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader
Bill Benshoof, Worship Associate

Join us … read more.

Enrolling in Possibility

Hobbit Day is on 9/22. Using this, and the Equinox,  as our lenses, we’ll explore the art of enrollment to bring people into our grand adventures or to bring balance into our lives.

The order of service can be found here

Join us via … read more.