Topic: Online

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

In person at UUCG and online via Zoom

Every night a child is born is a holy night. On this holy night we explore our profound interconnectedness through story and song.

David Morgen, Service Leader
Elna Brynestad, Worship Associate

Join us in person at UUCG (… read more.

With Joy You Will Draw Water

Brené Brown argues that “joy is probably the most difficult emotion to really feel… In a culture of deep scarcity—of never feeling safe, certain, and sure enough—joy can feel like a setup.”

Where do you find joy? How can you cultivate an openness to joy? … read more.

We Are the Memories We Don’t Remember

A memory is not what really happened, but a newer version of what happened. We have the power to change our own past to empower us to move forward. We do this when we give our memories new meaning.

David Morgen, Service Leader

Join … read more.