Topic: Multigenerational

How Many Kinds of Listening Help Us to Grow

Join us in person or via Zoom: Listening to more-than-human voices, experilearning with spiritual practices that invite us to listen to others’ stories, listening to and learning from the heartbreak of war … In this wide-ranging service, we find our call to connection and to caring beyond the borders that can make our lives … Continue reading How Many Kinds of Listening Help Us to Grow

Whole, Holy, and Worthy: A Journey Through Immigrant Stories

Join us in person or via Zoom: This year at UUCG we invite us to explore what a “culture of care” really feels like–in our homes, in our community, in our country, and our world. In this multigenerational service, we dramatize real-life stories of immigrants to this country to see how our faith’s invitation … Continue reading Whole, Holy, and Worthy: A Journey Through Immigrant Stories

Ingathering! Inviting Us into a Culture of Care

Please join us for our annual celebration of Ingathering! How would you fill in these two sentences:  If you will be attending in person, please bring a small amount of water representing you summer experiences so that, before the service, you can add it to our bowls representing North, East, South, and West.  Rev. Nancy … Continue reading Ingathering! Inviting Us into a Culture of Care

What Would the Animals Say?

Join us in person or via Zoom: Understanding the voices of your constituents when all you hear are sounds more like the call of nature rather than a life lesson. Practicing Compassion and Democracy in the Wild (or the Backyard). Lydia Patrick (she/her), Worship LeaderCandice Carver (she/her), Worship Leader The order of service can … Continue reading What Would the Animals Say?

Who Are Our Role Models?

Join us in person or via Zoom: This Sunday, Rev. Nancy brings her enthusiasm for a couple of our religious role models who show us how to put democracy and compassion into action in troubled times. We’ve been here before! Whose example do you want to follow? Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones (she/her), Worship LeaderLaDonna … Continue reading Who Are Our Role Models?

Blessing Our Backpacks and Practicing Democracy

Join us in person or via Zoom: What do you use to carry the tools of your learning–a backpack, tote bag, tablet, journal, or phone? Please bring this “container” to service this Sunday, as we Bless the Backpacks of children, youth, adults, and elders. We’ll continue the multigenerational learning with an exercise in democracy … Continue reading Blessing Our Backpacks and Practicing Democracy