Topic: In Person

Love in the Heart of Darkness

Join us in person – no reservation requiredor online via Zoom: In the midst of suffering, heartache, and physical pain, how do we find love, wholeness, and comfort? Are there guideposts through Hell? The order of service can be found here Daniel Bailey (he/him), Service LeaderLaDonna Pacer (she/her), Worship Associate

The Path of Courage: Letting Go of Our Attachments

Join us in person – no reservation requiredor online via Zoom: Stepping outside our comfort zone requires courage, and our UU faith often invites us, even encourages us, to be uncomfortable. How do we find the courage to be uncomfortable? Rev. Jan Taddeo (she/her), Service LeaderBill Pacer (he/him), Worship Associate

Bootstraps and Barriers; Boundaries and Belonging

Join us in person – no reservation requiredor online via Zoom: The peculiarly American “bootstrap mentality” encourages us to rely only upon ourselves, erecting barriers between the Self and the wider world. When attempting to belong to a community, we must first  escape that mentality and demolish those barriers- but what happens when they’re … Continue reading Bootstraps and Barriers; Boundaries and Belonging

The River that Connects All Beings

Join us in person – no reservation requiredor online via Zoom: We welcome our friends from the Gwinnett Interfaith Alliance to join us for our annual Water Ceremony. Please bring a small amount of water that represents something of your spiritual journey over the last year … beginnings, inspirations, playfulness, vulnerabilities, abundance, transformation, losses, … Continue reading The River that Connects All Beings

The Voice Under All Silences

Join us in person – no reservation requiredor online via Zoom: We explore the role of our radical welcome and the longing to belong of those newcomers who take the leap of faith across our threshold.  We consider how these define some questions of ultimacy that are part of our faith journey. Bill Benshoof (he/him), … Continue reading The Voice Under All Silences

We are the UUA

Delegates from over 1,000 UU congregations gathered in Portland and on-line in June to explore deep questions about the core values, sources, and expressions of our shared faith. Our staff and delegates will extend that conversation with our congregation over the coming year, starting with this service. Rev. Jan Taddeo (she/her), Service LeaderDavid Morgen (he/they), … Continue reading We are the UUA

Wisdom from Fiction

Join us in person – no reservation requiredor online via Zoom: Reading or watching fiction often requires a certain suspension of disbelief, to believe things that aren’t necessarily true for us, but are true within the story. When we accept that the impossible can be true, what insights or wisdom does that allow us … Continue reading Wisdom from Fiction

Wisdom of the Heart

Join us in exploring wisdom through this quote by Kahlil Gibran: Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children. Rev. Jan Taddeo (she/her), Service LeaderLydia Patrick (she/her), Worship Associate For the order of service, click here Join us … Continue reading Wisdom of the Heart