Topic: Holiday Service

Luminescence: Trusting the Light Within

Join us this Sunday for our annual celebration of Luminescence, a Service that honors the light within each of us, and the source of the light within all. When we trust the light within and allow it to shine forth unimpeded, it is our collective light that will shine through even the darkest darkness.

Luminescence is a multigenerational Worship Service. All ages are welcome in the Sanctuary space to celebrate.

Sacred Pause: Living Love Through Presence on the Longest Night

This Winter Solstice Ritual Service honors the longest night of the year, we embrace the darkness as a time for reflection and renewal. As the sun retreats, we gather to connect deeply with ourselves; a sacred pause where we invite the warmth of love to emerge from within and radiate outward. This ritual service is a reminder that even in the darkest moments, light and love are always reborn, symbolizing hope and the cyclical nature of life. Living Love through the practice of Presence, we embody this sacred cycle, living in harmony with nature’s rhythms and honoring both the shadow and the light.

Really, It Is All About Love: Celebrating Easter, Transgender Day of Visibility, and Reawakening to Life

Join us in person or via Zoom: How do we reawaken to Life during hard times and tough changes? On this Easter Sunday, we listen as Love beckons us forward into a fuller sense of self and a deeper experience of Life! Celebrating Easter, Trans Day of Visibility, and an ancient myth, we discover … Continue reading Really, It Is All About Love: Celebrating Easter, Transgender Day of Visibility, and Reawakening to Life

Transformation: The Luminescence of an Evolving Faith

Join us in person at UUCG, or online via Zoom. Join us for our annual Luminescence service, which celebrates the light within each of us. Come explore our own ever-changing relationships to the ground of our being. Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones, Service LeaderChristiana McQuain, Worship Associate The order of service can be found here Beyond … Continue reading Transformation: The Luminescence of an Evolving Faith

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Night: Looking for the Light Join us in person or online as we celebrate Christmas Eve with a Pageant presented by our Spiral Scouts. Also enjoy cookies & cocoa as we sing our favorite seasonal Songs. The order of service can be found here The link to join online via Zoom is: … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service

Honoring a Blue Christmas

We live in such turbulent times. For many, the holidays can bring more sorrow than joy, more anxiety than reassurance. Join us as we honor and make space for all emotions that can emerge during this season.  This service will take place in person only, and will not be recorded. Come be Curious, Courageous, and … Continue reading Honoring a Blue Christmas

Solid as a Rock?

Join us in person at UUCGor online via Zoom: Easter offers an opportunity to explore what we’ve resisted in our search for spiritual truths. Is our truth a rock that we cling to, resisting any challenges? Or is our truth an ever flowing stream fed by many waters. Rev. Jan Taddeo (she/her), Worship LeaderBob … Continue reading Solid as a Rock?