Topic: Flower Ceremony

Awaken to All Your Senses

Wake up and smell the flowers!! And see their profound uniqueness and beauty. Listen to the buzzing pollinators, and taste the delicious fruit of the flowering plants. Feel the soft grass under your feet. Bring all your senses, and your flowers, to our annual Flower … read more.

Easter Sunday: Becoming Human

On this Easter Sunday we engage our new theme, Becoming, with an exploration into the process of becoming more human and humane.
We’ll also celebrate the Flower Ceremony – send Rev. Taddeo photos of this year’s flowers in your yard or neighborhood, and bring … read more.

Changed for Good

How do our relationships and connections change us for good? In what ways has this faith community saved you? Bring plenty of fresh flowers cut from your own yard or garden to share in our annual UU Flower Ceremony.

Rev. Jan Taddeo, … read more.