Speaker: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

Inhabiting Our Freedom Dreams

Side with Love’s “30 Days of Love” have pointed out that there are so many ways to embody Love and to practice the new world that we seek to build. In this service, we try out several of these practices, and we leave with a promise to take at least one new action, large or small, that embodies our commitment to the worthiness and dignity of all. Please bring a journal (or something to write on) and a pen (or something to write with) to this service! Join us to experience the joy of being part of the resistance!

What Happens Once We Belong?

Finding a place where we belong – where we feel seen and heard and loved for our full selves – is such a relief! It’s one of our lifesaving missions here at UUCG, something we’re creating moment by moment, mistakes and learnings and growth included. But what happens once we find that sense of belonging? Is it all rest and relaxation? Or does belonging ask us to expand even more?

Shaping Our Story: We Have a Choice

On the eve of the presidential inauguration and of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we pause to ask, What story will we help shape for our country and our community? How do we embody our values as we participate in the work of the world?

A Fresh Take on an Old Story

Due to inclement weather, this Sunday’s Service will be offered online only. We invite you to join us via Zoom at the link above.

This week, two lifelong students of Story – Rev. Nancy and Bob Patrick – invite us to look at an old story in fresh ways. Where will you find yourself in the story, and what can we take from the story into our daily lives?

Creating a Web to Hold Us: Being Present with Others

Almost all of the December holidays have a similar theme at their very core: Belonging to a healthy, loving community replaces fear with hope and purpose. Where and how do we create micro- and macro-communities of care by showing up for others? And what joy will be reborn in us when we do? Come celebrate the gifts of this season simply through showing up for each other this week!

Grounded and Grateful: Being Present to Ourselves

In the lifelong dance of learning to care for ourselves and to care for others, we don’t always get to choose which is our primary focus. Yet we know that both our inward- and our outward-turning are inextricably woven together. This Sunday we practice this weaving, recognizing the grounding that all our chaotic feelings can offer, celebrating new members, and thanking our Safety and Security Team for their ministry of care. Where will we direct our care this week?

We Won’t Give Up!

Join us in person or via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176 As Election Day approaches, we bring our hopes and our fears into this welcoming community, and we remember that our work of building beloved community continues no matter what. Using tools from the Revolutionary Love movement launched by Sikh teacher-writer Valarie Kaur, we’ll learn some new ways … Continue reading We Won’t Give Up!