Speaker: Rev. Jan Taddeo

Words of Wisdom?

In this service we bring some selections from our Words of Wisdom? blog, with perspectives on stillness, calm, and peacefulness. Join us via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/565460176 This will be a shorter service to allow our congregational meeting to begin at 11:45am. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader

Healing the Broken Parts

From the personal to the national to the global, there is so much that feels broken as we witness a pandemic continuing to grow and political unrest around the world. We could debate if things were ever whole, but we do know there is a yearning for healing, wholeness, and connection. If there is to … Continue reading Healing the Broken Parts

Grief and Healing: A Service of Remembrance

In this annual service dedicated to remembering our beloveds who have died, we’ll explore the healing journey through grief. Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176 Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader

Which Who Do You Do?: Can We Hear the Voices of Curiosity, Courage, and Compassion

There are healing, healthy, sickening, encouraging, critical, challenging, and comforting voices inside us. By paying attention to what piques our curiosity, what gives us a heart that cares and takes action to alleviate suffering, and what opens us to compassion for all life, ourselves included!  Daniel Bailey and Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leaders Join us … Continue reading Which Who Do You Do?: Can We Hear the Voices of Curiosity, Courage, and Compassion

Listening for Coming Out, and Welcoming In

On this National Coming Out Day, we explore the deep listening that is needed for people to trust that they can share who they really are. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176 Meeting ID: 565-460-176 Access the Order of Service here.

The Listening Companion

Companioning is a way of being with one another that allows for one’s own wisdom to emerge. In this service we’ll explore more deeply the power of listening and companioning one another in a radically welcoming community.Pet Blessing: Bring your animal companions to worship!  We’ll offer them a special blessing during the service. Join us … Continue reading The Listening Companion

Renewing Our Commitments

We make many commitments in our lives. It can be useful to reflect on these commitments and intentionally renew them, be they wedding vows, careers, ways of being, or commitments to causes and concerns. What in your life is calling for a renewal of commitments? Find the Order of Service here. Join us via Zoom: … Continue reading Renewing Our Commitments

Renewing Our Practices

Has the pandemic interrupted or inspired healthy practices for mind, body and spirit? What are the possibilities for virtual communal practices to increase connection and spiritual growth?  Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176 Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader