Speaker: Rev. Jan Taddeo

The Power of Play

Sometimes people can brush off “play” as a waste of time or a frivolous activity. We’ll explore the ways in which play and playfulness are essential ingredients for nurturing curiosity, courage, and compassion. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176

One Sentence

This service will draw from the work of Daniel Pink to write one sentence we can live into. She made people laugh. They listened well. He relieved the suffering of others. What’s your one sentence?  This service will hold the container for our annual Bridging Ceremony. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Join us via Zoom: … Continue reading One Sentence

Weaving the Stories of Our Lives

One of my favorite songs is Tapestry by Carole King. I’ve often imagined our spiritual lives as a tapestry woven from the stories of our search for truth and meaning. What are the warp and weft threads of your spiritual tapestry? New Member Signing during the service Congregational Meeting following the service. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader … Continue reading Weaving the Stories of Our Lives

Leaning on the Stories of the Generations

What are the stories handed down through the generations that inspire and guide us on our own life journey and help us to become the people we are, and the people we hope to become?  Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176

Founders’ Day: Celebrating Our Stories

Join us as we celebrate the ongoing story of our congregation, as we prepare to write the next chapter together. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader with Christiana McQuain Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176 Find the Order of Service here.

Becoming an Enlightened Being

Does one need to seek a sage at the top of a mountain to gain insights into the meaning of life? Or is such wisdom available within our own heart and mind?  Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176 Find the Order of Service here.

Becoming a Unitarian Universalist

What does it take to feel the shift within from identifying as a “recovering” or former {insert previous religious identity here} to embracing being a Unitarian Universalist?  Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176 Order of Service here.

Easter Sunday: Becoming Human

On this Easter Sunday we engage our new theme, Becoming, with an exploration into the process of becoming more human and humane. We’ll also celebrate the Flower Ceremony – send Rev. Taddeo photos of this year’s flowers in your yard or neighborhood, and bring some flowers to church on Sunday from 2-4 to exchange flowers … Continue reading Easter Sunday: Becoming Human

Balancing Our Commitments

In this time of the spring equinox, when day and night are in balance, we look at how we bring balance to our lives. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Order of Service here. Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176


Luminescence is a time for recognition, reflection, refocus and renewal. During this service we recognize the many facets that are within each person, the many cultures within society, and appreciate the wonderful variety and diversity that makes things whole. We reflect and look within ourselves for our own inner spirituality, our own thirst for knowledge … Continue reading Luminescence