Speaker: Rev. Jan Taddeo

Sing Your Song, Dance Your Dance

There is only one beautiful, unique, wonder-full YOU! What song is in your soul and what dance is yours to dance in serving the human spirit?

Rev. Jan Taddeo (she/her) Service Leader
Elna Brynestad (she/her) Worship Associate

The order of Service can be found here

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The Energy of Everything

Join us for our annual celebration of the Founding of Unitarian Universalism, our beloved congregation, and the energy of everything that connects us and brings us together in our beloved community.

Rev. Jan Taddeo (she/her), Service Leader
Joann Weiss (she/her), Worship Associate

Christiana McQuain (she/her), Worship … read more.

Awaken to New Possibilities

What religious concepts have you rejected outright? On this Easter Sunday we offer new-to-some possibilities for ancient miracles.

Rev. Jan Taddeo (she/her), Service Leader
Bill Benshoof (he/him), Worship Associate

The Order of Service can be found here

If you plan to join us in person, … read more.

Awaken to All Your Senses

Wake up and smell the flowers!! And see their profound uniqueness and beauty. Listen to the buzzing pollinators, and taste the delicious fruit of the flowering plants. Feel the soft grass under your feet. Bring all your senses, and your flowers, to our annual Flower … read more.

Everyday is Earth Day

We all have an impact on the health of our planet – how can we deepen our commitment and appreciation of our one precious, precarious, planet to decrease our footprint every day?

Rev. Jan Taddeo (she/her), Service Leader
Daniel Bailey (he/him), Worship Associate

The order of service … read more.

Luminescence, Letting Our Light Shine

We welcome Rev. Jan back to the pulpit following her sabbatical, and we celebrate Luminescence together in our first in-person service since December. (If you will be joining us from home, please have a candle to light with us in celebration.)

If you … read more.

Cultivating Connections in Community

When I ask newcomers what motivated them to seek a new faith community, most of the time the answer is about making connections with people. This service explores how we find meaningful connections in congregational life.

Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader
Bill Benshoof, Worship Associate

Join us … read more.