Speaker: Rev. Jan Taddeo

Answering the Call of Love

How will UUCG Answer the Call of Love?  In this very participatory service, we’ll generate ideas for how we will realize our vision to be a radically welcoming sanctuary in a green space, fostering spiritual growth, and nurturing connections within our walls and beyond. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Paige Varner, Worship Associate.

Be Prepared!

On this Scout Sunday we honor and celebrate scouting of all varieties. We’ll explore the values shared between Unitarian Universalism and scouting organizations, and acknowledge some of the challenges. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Lorena Gay-Griffin, Worship Associate.

What’s Right About Human Rights?

Almost seventy years ago, in December 1948, the United Nations proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  How does this global declaration inform our faith in action as Unitarian Universalists? Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Evan Varner, Worship Associate. Please stay for Potluck Luncheon following the service.

The Moral Arc of the Universe

Unitarian Minister Theodore Parker spoke of the moral arc of the universe bending towards justice.  On this weekend when we commemorate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., we look for the evidence that this is true. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Bob Patrick, Worship Associate.

Spiritually Grounded Activism

Unitarian Universalism is an activist faith, and a spiritual faith.  How do we prepare ourselves spiritually for traveling the long road to justice? Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Sherree Bailey, Worship Associate.

The Work of Christmas

Christmas Eve In this contemplative service, we will explore the work of Christmas through poetry, prose, and music. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Paige Varner, Worship Associate.

Five Smooth Stones

James Luther Adams gave us the gift of “5 Smooth Stones of Religious Liberalism.” This Sunday we’ll review those core values with an emphasis on the hopeful message that revelation is continuous. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader.  Evan Varner, Worship Associate.

All God’s Children Are Welcome

During our “Essential Questions” service in August, someone posed the question, “Why are we so white?” Our vision is to be a radically welcoming sanctuary … what assumptions and ways of being will need to change to create a multicultural congregation where all God’s children are truly welcome?   Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Bob … Continue reading All God’s Children Are Welcome

Our Hospitable Planet

This morning we honor the animals with whom we share our blue boat home, and our commitment to make a more hospitable planet. You are invited to bring photos or mementos of your pets who have died as we honor their contributions to our lives. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Miriam Patrick, Worship Associate.