Speaker: Rev. Jan Taddeo

Seeking Grace at the Border

Refugees and immigrants have been seeking shelter through all the ages of human life.  We will see a steady increase in refugee migrations as the effects of climate change force people around the globe and right here at home to find grace at the borders. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader

If Grace Were True

Universal grace is gaining momentum among Christian pastors, and they are getting mixed reactions from their peers and parishioners.  Unitarian Universalists hold that no one is outside the circle of love.  Let’s go deeper into the implications. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader

Birth of the Sun King

We celebrate the longest night and the lengthening of the coming days with this ancient story of the maiden, the mother, and the crone visited by the Faeries to celebrate a holy birth. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Dan Kelly, Worship Assistant/Pageant Director

A Blue Christmas

For any number of reasons, the Christmas season is not a joyful time of year for every person. This is a service to honor the complex emotions that many feel during this time. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Sherree Bailey, Worship Associate

Seeking Peace in an Era of Hate

How can we generate deeper connection and peace during this era when acts of hate seem to be emboldened? Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Lorena Gay-Griffin, Worship Associate

Circles of Gratitude

Gratitude can begin in one’s own heart and radiate through many circles of connection.  We will share in Thanksgiving Bread Communion (with GF options) and Stone Soup rituals.  Please bring fresh vegetables for the Stone Soup. Rev, Jan Taddeo, Service Leader Miriam Patrick, Worship Associate   On this Sunday, we will be collecting donations for … Continue reading Circles of Gratitude

Practicing Gratitude

In addition to saying, “Thank you!” or sending a card, there are many ways of expressing gratitude. We’ll explore many gratitude practices, and the deep joy that can be ours through such practices. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Sherree Bailey, Worship Associate.

Is Gratitude at our Center?

At the UUA 2009 General Assembly, the Rev. Galen Guengerich led a workshop series on A Theology for a Secular Age in which he made the case that gratitude is (or ought to be) the center of our UU faith. Let’s explore this idea together! Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader. Daniel Bailey, Worship Associate. Guest … Continue reading Is Gratitude at our Center?

The Legacy We Form: a Service of Remembrance

In this annual Ritual of Remembrance, we explore the legacy of our lives. Please bring photos or memorabilia of those beloveds in your life who transitioned into the mystery this year. Rev. Jan Taddeo, Service Leader