Speaker: Lydia Patrick

Finding Grace in the Jury Pool

Ever feel like you’ve been misjudged?  How about misjudging someone else?  We can all ‘pass judgement’ too quickly.  One solution is to just be still and listen…and let it be….then grace can arrive with quiet compassion.

Lydia Patrick, Service Leader

United – We Answer

All over the world humanity feels a call to action of some sort or another.  We feel angst over the future.  We feel the need to stand up, to reach out, to answer, to argue, to support, to heal, to clean ourselves up and get … read more.

Beloved Community: A Space to Hold On To

While we can spend a lifetime with friends and family building and shaping a community of love and commitment to each other –  sometimes holding space for beloved community is what allows peace to enter into the conversation.

Lydia Patrick, Service Leader.

Ember Webb, Worship Associate.

Humble is as Humble Does

Working on our own humility might not mean holding back on our talents or gifts but putting them out there, regardless of the outcome.  This is the way mother earth works and it seems to work for her.  Just do what comes naturally – you … read more.

Come On In – The Door is Open!

How do we open the door and let others in without getting footprints on the new carpet?  How do welcome without giving in?  How do we listen without interrupting?  Do we?  But more than all this, why should we?  (Because….. we should).


Lydia Patrick, Service Leader.

Lorena … read more.

We’ve Got This!

Watch out!  You might know more than you think… are you willing to trust yourself for the answers?

Lydia Patrick, Service Leader.

Rae Haynes, Worship Associate.

Crossing the Great Divide

Building a bridge takes time, careful study, the right materials, preparation, and patience. Crossing a bridge takes courage, foresight, anticipation, patience, and curiosity.  Building bridges between people encompasses all of these elements and more, but the price is worth everything it takes.


Lydia Patrick, Service Leader.

Rae Haynes, … read more.

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Hearing the divine is just not the same for everyone, and understanding that can take real work.  If we can learn to listen from time to time with someone else’s headphones, we might actually like what we hear enough to begin seeing more of what … read more.

Everyday Miracles

Awe, and wonder, and everyday miracles… they’re out there…

Look there goes one now!


Lydia Patrick, Service Leader.

Daniel Bailey, Worship Associate.