Speaker: Lydia Patrick

Self-Care Sunday

But what about the rest of the week?  Taking a day to recover and regroup is essential for sure. But every day of the week there is truth to be found.

Lydia Patrick (she/her) Service Leader
David Morgen (he/they) Worship Associate

The order of service can be found … read more.

Living with Intention as a Practice

In this service we will explore the meaning of intention and the meaning of covenant as one of the vital ways that Unitarian Universalists practice our intentions together.
Rumi will help us “tend to our donkey-work.”

Bob Patrick, Service Leader
Lydia Patrick, Worship Associate

Join us via Zoom: … read more.

A Wise Owl Once Said…

Looking for guidance does not involve a 360o head
turn, but it might mean stretching your vision and living into the

Lydia Patrick, Service Leader
Victoria Fashakin, Worship Associate

A Life Without Resolution

Can’t keep track of your New Year’s Resolutions? This year focus on something else … your breathing … in… and out… that’s it.
Well done!

Lydia Patrick, Service Leader
Lorena Gay-Griffin, Worship Associate

Expectations of Change

Waiting can be hard. You’ve heard the phrase, “Be the change you want to see…” Let’s talk about what that means. Baby steps.

Lydia Patrick, Service Leader

Miriam Patrick, Worship Associate

Moving On

Our journey is long – a lifetime of wonder and wander. A few steps, questions/answers… and then we move on.

Patrick, Service Leader

Gay-Griffin, Worship Associate