Speaker: Lydia Patrick

ReClaiming Faith

When the belief system that has sustained you for your whole life no longer resonates with your soul, it can be a tumultuous time. Join us in finding the joy and growth that can come out of these times of crisis.

Lydia Patrick (she/her), Worship Leader
Rita … read more.

Did You Bring Your Lifejacket?

We all need some reassurance sometimes. Are we making good choices? Are we going in the right direction? Are we going to make it? Remembering that the journey is not a straight line but links to opportunities for enlightenment might be just the lifejacket … read more.

We Are America

Whether we are spiritual, mystic, humanist, secular, druid, devoted, caring, or carefree we share this space on this planet in this universe. How are we doing with that?

Join us in person at UUCG
or online via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176

Lydia Patrick (she/her), Worship Leader
Bill … read more.

The Wonder Zone

Join us in person at UUCG
or online via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176

A sacred time of year all over the world. As we follow our own sacred traditions can we create space for others’ traditions as well?

Lydia Patrick (she/her), Service Leader
Bob Patrick (he/him), … read more.

Wisdom is Calling…. How Well Do We Hear It?

The sources are many – the key is in the path we choose. We need not worry so much about which path is the right one. The work is its own reward.

Lydia Patrick (she/her), Service Leader
Bob Patrick (he/him), Worship Associate

The order of service can be … read more.

The Game of Faith

Re-creating faith and seeing its recreation and play as an opportunity for centering and peace.

Lydia Patrick (she/her), Service Leader
JoAnn Weiss (she/her), Worship Associate

The order of service can be found here

Join us in person – no reservation required
or online via Zoom: … read more.