Speaker: Bob Patrick

Work, Play, And Re-creation

What is the opposite of play? Most of us might say “work” but there is evidence for something else. Let’s play around with this question and see where it leads.

Bob Patrick (he/him), Service Leader
Bill Benshoof (he/him), Worship Associate

The order of service can be found … read more.

What Would Happen If…

In this service we will allow the words of some poets to invite us into a conversation . . . where we tease out the blessings that surround us every day.

Bob Patrick (he/him), Service Leader
Elna Brynestad (she/her), Worship Associate

You can find the order of service … read more.

Good Morning: It’s Time to Wake Up

What kinds of experiences wake you up?  Are they alarming?  Are they gentle?  Are they surprising? What does it take to help us see with new eyes, hear with new ears and become a part of the arc of the universe always bending toward justice?

Bob … read more.

Living with Intention as a Practice

In this service we will explore the meaning of intention and the meaning of covenant as one of the vital ways that Unitarian Universalists practice our intentions together.
Rumi will help us “tend to our donkey-work.”

Bob Patrick, Service Leader
Lydia Patrick, Worship Associate

Join us via Zoom: … read more.

How We Do God

All of our sources provide us with invitations to imagine how to be in the world. Today we explore how the Earth spirituality traditions do that.

Bob Patrick, Service Leader

The Order of Service can be found here

Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/565460176

Playing with God

Poets offer us many perspectives on our relationship with various concepts of God. Join Rev. Jan and Bob as they offer us ways to play with God through writings from Hafiz, Harkin and others. 

Rev. Jan Taddeo and Bob Patrick, Service Leaders

Join us via Zoom: … read more.