Legislative Action Challenge

Legislative Action in January

Each week take an action that will help you engage with our Georgia State Legislature. Make a difference by working with your State Legislators; taking an action and telling others about it can increase HOPE in yourselves and others.

Jan. 3: Week 1 – Introduction – find your State House and Senate District: https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/ AND the Unitarian Universalist Georgia Legislative Action Network (UU GA LAN): https://tinyurl.com/UUGALAN. Bookmark these pages for future use.

Jan 10: Week 2 – Find Your State House (https://www.legis.ga.gov/members/house) and Senate Member (https://www.legis.ga.gov/members/senate ) by searching at the linked pages using the State House and Senate information you found last week. Note their names for next week’s task.

Jan 17: Week 3 – Read your State House and State Senate Member biography using the information you found last week identifying any commonalities. (You can find their biography by going to their page at State House (https://www.legis.ga.gov/members/house and State Senate Member (https://www.legis.ga.gov/members/senate).

Jan 24: Week 4 – Choose one State House or Senate Member that you have something in common with (both if you would like) and welcome them to their work in the legislature via email or written letter; send it immediately.  (Note they have been working for almost 2 weeks at this point – starting on January 13).

Check in with the Unitarian Universalist Georgia Legislative Action Network (UU GA LAN): https://tinyurl.com/UUGALAN

Follow next week for the next Legislative Action.