Social Justice
Our congregation is a certified LGBTQ+ Welcoming Congregation and continues work toward becoming a certified Green Sanctuary
As Unitarian Universalists, Social Justice is an integral element of the way we live our faith out in the world. We, as a congregation, are involved in many causes – from immigrant rights and racial equity, to environmental awareness and community outreach – in various ways.

UUCG works on a range of issues, including immigrant rights, rights for the LGBTQ+ community, racial justice, community service, and environmental justice & awareness.
For more information, contact

Social justice involves the struggle to create societies where income, wealth and power are collectively shared rather than concentrated in the hands of a powerful few.
Center for Social Justice
Current Service Projects
- Ongoing support of El Refugio
- Yearly supplies drive for Corley Elementary School
- Monthly food bank donation
- TerraCycle recycling collection
- Quarterly monetary donations to local groups through our ‘Give Away the Plate’ program