The UUCG Green Team will debut a new program based on a curriculum created by the UU Ministry for the Earth (UUMFE). All who are ecologically minded are invited to attend. This program was made for you!
In these Web of Life sessions we will deepen our understanding of our place in the world – where our congregation fits geographically, biologically, socially, and economically in the web of life. We will also explore how our congregation unwittingly affects other people as well as fragile ecosystems both nearby and far away.
Our Place in the Web of Life is an experiential program. This discovery and exploration will be conducted largely by those who participate in these sessions. Facilitators will assist, but there are no “teachers”.
We strongly encourage in-person attendance, but there is a Zoom option available for those who prefer to engage online. (And participants are welcome to utilize a combination of the two, as it suits their schedule.) Whether online or in person, we do ask that you commit to attending all three sessions.
The Web of Life sessions will take place on Saturdays, from noon – 3 PM. The dates are March 25, April 15 and April 29. (Notice that these are not successive Saturdays.) Registration will remain open until noon on Friday, March 24.