Sunday Morning Worship Service Online, Virtual Visit
Date(s) - 12/27/2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Categories No Categories or Zoom meeting ID 709 250 6107.
Virtual Visit with Auburn UU Fellowship in Auburn, AL
A Kind Intention
2020 has presented some unprecedented challenges and created great anxiety amongst many as we begin to anticipate what the next year might hold. Could adopting a single, small, shared intention really be enough to help us turn the tide and restore a sense of control amongst the chaos? The natural world holds lessons that tell us it may be so…
Matt Aspin, Service Leader
Online via Zoom
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Date(s) - 12/27/2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Categories
We invite you to attend our Worship Services online via Zoom or in-person
Dial 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 565-460-176
Worship Services at UUCG are offered every Sunday morning at 11:00am.
Services are led by our minister, Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones, and a group of dedicated volunteer Service Leaders. We practice thematic ministry, ans explore our monthly themes in our services and programs. We invite you to visit more than once to experience the full flavor of our congregation and the Unitarian Universalist faith tradition.
Information on upcoming services can be found on the homepage of this website.
Video recordings of some of our past services are available here.
Come be Curious, Compassionate and Courageous with us.
Online and Sanctuary