Adult Faith Development Online
Date(s) - 01/31/2021
10:00 am - 10:50 am Categories No Categories
The Imagined Story That Has Shaped Your Real One
All of us have a book or poem (or two) that shaped who we are and how we live our lives. Some piece of fiction that rooted itself in our imaginations and from there wormed its way into our real-life living and loving. Join us as we explore our own stories of how story has shaped us.
It is our goal to provide you with inspiration and resources to help you live deeper into your UU faith throughout the week.
Come join us at 10:00 on Sunday mornings for fellowship and learning, and opportunities to live into the questions as you search for truth and meaning.
Faith Development will be meeting online.
Join us via Zoom:
Dial 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 145-984-149
See information about our Monthly Themes and Related Programs.
Our Faith Development Programs are open to everyone! Registration is not required, but if you wish to register, you may do so on-line.
Come be Curious, Courageous, and Compassionate with us!
Online via Zoom