Date(s) - 08/05/2023
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


At Lughnasadh we see the fields of corn being cut, and for some this is the true time of the festival. In the fields John Barleycorn, who laid with the Lady in the woods at Beltane, has grown old, and now stands bent and bearded with a crocked cane. He looks to the Sun as he has changed from green to gold, and he known that his time has come. His life will feed the people, and it is this sacrifice that we honour at Lughnasadh.
Please bring offerings of herbs and grains to hang in the entrance to the Grove, offerings to the Mother Earth and offerings of Non Perishable food for the community. 
Wear any ritual clothing that you are comfortable in, don’t forget your wand or staff and a music maker to call the spirits!
