Date(s) - 01/30/2021
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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Sylvan Sanctuary welcomes all who are interested to join an Imbolc Ritual at 6pm.  Go to the Facebook page for more info.

Bob Patrick has posted the following on the Facebook page:

Hello, Friends of Sylvan Sanctuary! Saturday night, Jan. 30 at 6:00 PM, we gather on zoom for our Imbolc ritual. We hope that you can join us and begin now to make the following preparations which should deepen your experience of the ritual.
1. Every household participating is invited to create an Imbolc/Brig (Brigid) shrine that at some point can be the focus of your individual zoom screen. If everyone puts their screen on gallery view, we can see all these beautiful shrines at once. I will do the same, but will also have my full altar up for the ritual.

2. Our shrines can have the following basic items as well as other things you think of:
–some representation of Brig/Brigid,
–your Braht Bride (Brigid’s mantle that you have set outside for 3 days prior to collect the dew and blessings of Brig);
–a bowl of water to be blessed as Brig’s well;
–a stone/crystal that you select for blessing as a healing stone;
a candle (perhaps a tall vigil candle to use all year) for blessing as Brig’s flame;
–some representation of this Druid community as Imbolc is one of two seasons devoted to the “tribe”.
–any other representation of spring, crafting, healing, and poetry.
Colors often used on such shrines include blue and white, but follow your intuition on this. The shrine should also contain an offering to Brig which could be milk, cream, butter, bread or anything else that you feel drawn to offer her.

Our intention is to invite the healing, helping and inspiring work of Brig and all the Aes Side (the Beings of the Other World) into our lives and through our lives for the healing of our Mother Earth, our broken and divided nation, and individuals we name in need of healing and help.

Start thinking, collecting and making your shrine now and have it ready in front of your screen next Saturday. Looking forward to seeing you all.


The Druids have a vital relationship with the Earth, celebrate the Sun and its sacred days, hear the call to the inner life, and are weaving a wisdom that is both personal and communal.  Sylvan Sanctuary has been a grove for 10 years and is led by Bob Patrick, a founding Druid.  Contact Bob for more info.

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