Date(s) - 05/22/2021
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans Workshop.  Different topics each month.  Facilitated by Sherree Bailey.

This month:

Tree Hugging Dirt Worshiper Workshop & Ritual

Who are the trees in your life? Who do you interact with on a daily, weekly, yearly basis? Do you talk to them? Sing to them? Have you used them in a magical way? Made runes? Wands? Oghm? Staves?
For the upcoming workshop/ritual, spend some quality time with a tree or two…. Post a pic of your favorite… Look up the medicinal/magical uses…
Make a map of your yard and name the trees in your environment…. Gather leaves,twigs and/or branches from the ones that resonate you…


Join us via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 400-036-556

Online via Zoom