Congregational Meeting
Date(s) - 05/16/2021
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm Categories No Categories
The Congregation will hold an Annual Meeting on May 16 at 12:15pm to vote on our 2021-2022 slate of officers.
Dial 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 565-460-176
One tap mobile:16465588656,,565-460-176#
Here is the current slate of officers:
President: Lorena Griffin
Vice-President: Ed Miller
Secretary: Maryjane Stout
Treasurer-Elect: Gary Kiel
Member At-Large: Erika Shell-Castro
Member At-Large: Lydia Patrick
Continuing their terms and not up for election:
Treasurer: Thomas Yun
Member At-Large: Katrina Yurko
If you have been a member for at least 6 weeks before May 16, you can cast your ballot now or wait until the meeting: May 2021 Ballot
Online via Zoom