The annual UUCG Bake Sale returns in 2017 on December 17. Once again, the Youth Group will be hosting this fundraising event, and they’d like to offer you a few ways that you may support their efforts. The proceeds from this sale benefit UUCG.
- You may donate ingredients (to be dropped off at the church any day this week, through Friday). A list of requested ingredients for baking is available here.
- You may donate money to offset the cost of additional ingredients. (Help make the Bake Sale a pure profit event!)
- You may donate prepared baked goods to be sold on Sunday morning. Have a cherished family recipe or a special favorite that you bake for the holidays? Share the joy and prepare an extra batch or two to offer our community!
And, of course, you will definitely want to bring money to shop on Sunday, and choose from the delectable array of baked goods and treats that will be available (including vegan and gluten-free options)!
If you have any questions, or would like to submit a recipe for consideration, please either comment below, or get in touch with Christiana ( or the Youth Leaders ( directly.
The Youth and Advisors thank you in advance for your support in making this fundraiser a success!