Congregational Covenant
Covenant of Right Relations
We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett, in covenant with each other, honor this entire congregation, its spiritual growth and mission.
It is our deeply held belief and commitment that this be a community of love.
We sustain our community through trust, compassion, and inquiry.
To live our commitment…
- We recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every person and relate in a respectful manner with each other;
- We strive to understand each other and find agreement when possible, questioning and listening with open minds and hearts;
- We practice empathy, forgiveness, and gratitude;
- We practice direct communication between parties to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings;
- We hold ourselves, and one another, accountable for doing the work of the church responsibly;
- When reaching out to the larger community, we do so with compassion – in the belief that we model an ethic of peace, liberty, and justice.
To these things we hold fast as we create our gathering place.