Book Group Online
Date(s) - 04/28/2021
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Categories
Book Club on Fourth Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
The Book Club will be meeting online via Zoom. Here is the link:
Dial 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 144-736-833
One tap mobile:
16465588656, 144736833#
The UUCG book club is open to everyone! We choose books across various genres, with an eye toward what will provide substantive topics for discussion. When possible, we try to choose titles that are available at the Gwinnett County Public Library so that everyone can have access to the book. We have found that some of our favorite books have been those that have wide appeal.
All are welcome for this time of bonding, great discussion, and fellowship. For more information and current selection, visit the book club schedule page and click on the individual meeting date, or send them an email.
Online via Zoom